International Autumn School on AI and Robotics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAIRSAS 2023)
León, Spain, November 14th-16th, 2023
More info


The International Autumn School on AI and Robotics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAIRSAS 2023) aims to provide the right environment to discuss developments in agriculture through the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics. This first international meeting organised by the Robotics Group aims to bring together professionals, researchers and students interested in applying artificial intelligence-based solutions in precision livestock farming. In this way, multidisciplinary collaborations and synergies between such diverse fields can be achieved, making it possible to reach innovative and relevant solutions for society.


4-legged robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, rovers, etc, can be used in this field.

Computer Vision

The latest computer vision models can provide useful information about the environment, allowing more detail to be included in the robots' perception module.

Herding and grazing

Advantages include predator detection, respect for biodiversity, efficient pasture management, animal monitoring, etc.


Keynote speakers, visits, networking.

Location: Sala de conferencias, Biblioteca de San Isidoro. Campus de Vegazana, Universidad de León.

Visit to Granja Experimental.

Visit to AGROVET.


Detailed information

Plenary speakers.

Aamir Ahmad

Intelligent Aerial Robots for biodiversity conservation

José M. Guerrero

Computer vision for cropping

Luis Emmi

Intelligent controllers and autonomous navigation in agricultural environments WeLASER project case study

Beatriz Remeseiro

Semantic segmentation - overview and applications to agriculture

Francisco Martín Rico

Nav2 - Concepts, Design, and adaptation to outdoor environments

Georgios Ouzonis

Atlas of Human Settlements - a use case in monitoring infrastructure

Pablo Bustos

Computer vision

SAIRSAS 2023 - Presentation

Keynote speakers

National and international keynote speakers.

  • Robotics

    Aamir Ahmad

    Leader of the Flight Robotics and Perception group (FRPG) at the University of Stuttgart

  • Robotics

    José M. Guerrero

    Associate Professor at King Juan Carlos University

  • Robotics

    Luis Emmi

    Post-doc researcher in the Field & Service Robotics Group, at the Centre For Automation and Robotics (UPM-CSIC), in Madrid

  • Computer vision

    Beatriz Remeseiro

    Associate Professor at the University of Oviedo (Spain)

  • Computer vision

    Pablo Bustos

    Professor at the University of Extremadura (UEx)

  • Computer vision

    Georgios Ouzounis

    Head of AI Research, Atlas AI, Palo Alto CA, USA

  • Robotics

    Francisco Martín

    Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University; head of Intelligent Robotics Lab

  • and

Registration System and Fees

In order to promote a higher participation, attendance is free without meals. Including meals, the registration fees are 150 euros and 100 for students. You can register here


Robotics group. Universidad de León.

Francisco J. Rodríguez Lera


Lidia Sánchez González


Vicente Matellán



Help provided by University of León organizing conference organization

Research project funded by:

Grant TED2021-132356B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR".